You’ve got the right people in the room for your planning, and they might also be your team for execution, but let’s take a minute and make sure. The marketing team for this part of the process is the group of people that are responsible for making sure the tactics you will define in T3 section happen. The list should consist of decision makers and key players. Yes, the garbage man takes away the trash which makes your curbside appeal better which attracts customers to your store, and that is important, but they don’t need to be listed on this plan. Think of the bigger picture.

Here are the roles that absolutely must be defined:
Project manager
Who is in charge of this whole plan? This doesn’t mean that this person will execute every step. It does mean that this person will make sure every step is executed and done well.
This person needs to be a strong communicator, well respected by the team members and highly organized. They should also value quality and be the type of person that can pull out excellence from the people around them.
Responsibilities of this person generally include communication, tracking, evaluation, reporting, and cheerleading.
Product development and support
This is the person that knows the most about the product or service. She/he is the go-to person to help others understand the details, and the person you work with to iron out any bugs and learn new features that can be promoted.
Who is in charge of the marketing activities? In addition to creating content and design, the Marketing team member will likely also work with subcontractors to produce materials, as needed. She/he will also take care of message distribution, whether that means posting on social media, submitting to local press outlets, managing a mailing or delivering a presentation.
Customer Support
The customer support team member will manage sales, shipping, customer support and follow-up.