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A Simple Testimonial Template to Make Collecting and Sharing Easy

5 wood blocks with stars on them illustrating a review.

Testimonials are written or spoken statements that vouch for the qualities, skills, or experiences of a person, product, service, or organization. They are often used to build trust and credibility by showcasing positive feedback from satisfied customers, clients, or users. You can and should be using a simple testimonial template to support the growth and development of your business.

We’ll explain the value of a simple testimonial template to make collecting and sharing easy into these 4 aspects:

  1. The Value of Sharing Testimonials
  2. Types of Testimonials
  3. Your Testimonial Template
  4. Where to Use Your Testimonials

The Value of Sharing Testimonials

The value of using testimonials in gaining new business has been supported by various studies and research. 

Consumer Trust and Credibility

Testimonials provide social proof, which is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior. Numerous studies have shown that people trust the opinions and experiences of others, especially those who are similar to them, leading to increased credibility for a business or product.

Impact on Purchase Decisions

According to a Nielsen survey, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family, while 70% trust online reviews and testimonials. Positive testimonials can influence potential customers to choose your product or service over competitors’.

Conversion Rate Improvement

A study by BrightLocal found that 82% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, and 91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Adding testimonials to your website, landing pages, or marketing materials can boost your conversion rates.

Enhanced Online Reputation

Online reviews and testimonials contribute to a business’s online reputation. A Harvard Business School study showed that a one-star increase in a Yelp rating can lead to a 5-9% increase in revenue for independent restaurants. Positive testimonials contribute to a higher average rating and a more positive perception.

Word-of-Mouth Amplification

Testimonials, whether written, video, or social media-based, can serve as digital word-of-mouth referrals. Research indicates that word-of-mouth marketing is highly influential and often leads to better customer retention and acquisition rates.


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Building Emotional Connections

Testimonials often include personal stories and emotional narratives. Research has shown that emotions play a significant role in decision-making, and testimonials that evoke emotions can create stronger connections between customers and businesses.

Reduced Perceived Risk

Testimonials help reduce the perceived risk of making a purchase, especially for unfamiliar customers. When potential customers see others who have had positive experiences, they feel more confident about their decision to buy.

Differentiation from Competitors

Unique and compelling testimonials can set your business apart from competitors. They showcase your strengths, unique value propositions, and customer satisfaction in a way that competitors might not be able to replicate.

The word SEO under a magnifying glass.

SEO Benefits

Reviews and testimonials can enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. User-generated content, including testimonials, can improve search engine rankings and increase your online visibility.

Feedback for Improvement

While positive testimonials are valuable, negative feedback also provides insights for improvement. Addressing negative comments and making necessary changes can contribute to better customer experiences and, consequently, positive testimonials in the future.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of testimonials can vary depending on factors such as your industry, target audience, the authenticity of the testimonials, and the platforms where they are displayed. Collecting and using genuine testimonials can be a powerful strategy for gaining new business and building long-term customer relationships.

Types of Testimonials

Testimonials come in various types based on their sources, content, and formats. Here are some common types of testimonials:

Customer Testimonials

These are statements from customers who have used a product or service. They highlight their positive experiences, outcomes, and satisfaction with the offering. Customer testimonials are commonly used in marketing materials, websites, and advertisements.

Client Testimonials

Similar to customer testimonials, client testimonials are specific to businesses that offer services, such as consulting, coaching, or freelancing. Clients share their experiences working with the service provider and the benefits they received.

Employee Testimonials

These testimonials come from employees of a company and often focus on their experiences working for the organization. They might highlight the company culture, work environment, career growth opportunities, and other positive aspects.

Expert Testimonials

When industry experts or professionals endorse a product, service, or idea, their testimonials are considered expert testimonials. These endorsements can significantly boost credibility and trustworthiness.

Influencer Testimonials

Influencers, individuals with a substantial online following, might provide testimonials for products or services they have used. Their endorsement can reach a wider audience and influence purchasing decisions.

Video Testimonials

Testimonials presented in video format, where customers or users share their experiences verbally. Video testimonials add a personal touch and can be more engaging.

Written Testimonials

These are traditional written statements that describe a person’s or customer’s positive experience with a product, service, or brand. They are often used on websites, brochures, and marketing materials.

A graphic of a case study with a testimonial.

Case Studies

While not exactly traditional testimonials, case studies are detailed accounts of how a customer or client solved a specific problem or achieved a particular goal using a product or service. They often include data, analysis, and before-and-after comparisons.

Check out this article on building a case study for coaches and consultants.

Social Media Testimonials

Testimonials shared on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Positive comments, reviews, or posts from users about a brand or product can serve as social media testimonials.

Long-Form Testimonials

These are more in-depth testimonials that provide a comprehensive overview of the customer’s journey, challenges, and how the product or service addressed those challenges. They can be particularly impactful when used in storytelling.

Short Quotes

Brief, impactful quotes from customers or users that highlight key benefits or positive experiences. These quotes can be strategically placed on websites, emails, or marketing materials.

Remember that regardless of the type, testimonials should be authentic, genuine, and ideally supported by specific details or results. They play a significant role in building trust and influencing potential customers’ decisions.

Your Testimonial Template

The following is a simple template for asking your clients for a testimonial.

Dear [Client’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out and express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work with you as your [type of coach/consultant, e.g., life coach, business consultant]. Your dedication, engagement, and commitment to growth have been truly inspiring. I am constantly striving to enhance my services and provide the best possible experience to my clients. Your feedback is invaluable in this regard. I would be incredibly grateful if you could take a few moments to share your experience working with me. Your insights will help others understand the benefits of [describe your services] and the impact it can have on their lives/businesses. Here are a few questions to guide your testimonial, though feel free to elaborate or include any other information you find relevant:

1. How would you describe your situation or challenges before working with me?

2. What specific goals or outcomes were you hoping to achieve through our coaching/consulting sessions?

3. How did my coaching/consulting approach help you overcome obstacles and make progress towards your goals?

4. What were the most significant changes or improvements you experienced as a result of our collaboration?

5. How would you describe my strengths or unique qualities as a coach/consultant?

6. Would you recommend my services to others? If so, why?

Please feel free to share your thoughts in your own words. Your testimonial will be used on my website, marketing materials, and other promotional channels. If you prefer, I can use your initials or first name only to maintain your privacy. You can reply to this email with your testimonial or, if you prefer, we can schedule a brief call to discuss your experiences in more detail. I understand your time is valuable, and I truly appreciate your willingness to help me improve and grow. Thank you once again for entrusting me with the opportunity to support you in your journey. I look forward to staying connected and continuing to witness your progress.

Warm regards, [Your Name] [Your Title/Position] [Your Contact Information]

Remember to personalize the template with your specific details and tailor the questions to fit the nature of your coaching or consulting services. Make the process as easy as possible for your clients to provide their testimonials, whether through email, a dedicated testimonial submission form on your website, or a phone call.

Screen shot of a website depicting a testimonial to illustrate a simple testimonial template to make collecting and sharing easy

Where to Use Your Testimonials

Coaches and consultants can strategically use testimonials to build trust, credibility, and attract new clients. Here are some effective places to showcase testimonials:

  • Website Homepage: Place a rotating or prominent section on your homepage featuring a few strong testimonials. This is often one of the first places visitors go to learn about your services.
  • Services/About Page: Include testimonials on pages where you describe your services, approach, and expertise. This reinforces the benefits clients can expect when working with you.
  • Testimonials Page: Dedicate a separate page on your website solely for testimonials. This can serve as a repository for all the positive feedback you receive.
  • Case Study Pages: If you have detailed case studies highlighting specific client successes, consider incorporating relevant testimonials within those case studies.
  • Landing Pages: When running specific campaigns or promotions, use testimonials that align with the campaign’s focus on dedicated landing pages.
  • Email Signatures: Include a short, positive testimonial in your email signature. This subtly reinforces your credibility with every email you send.
  • Brochures and Print Materials: If you distribute physical brochures or other promotional materials, incorporate relevant testimonials to strengthen your offline presence.
  • Social Media Profiles: Share testimonials as posts or in your social media profiles. Visual platforms like Instagram can include image-based testimonials or short video clips
  • Email Marketing: Share success stories and testimonials in your email newsletters to engage subscribers and build interest.
  • Workshops and Speaking Engagements: Include relevant testimonials in presentation slides or handouts to establish your authority in front of live audiences.
  • Blog Posts: Incorporate relevant testimonials within blog posts to provide real-world examples of concepts you discuss
  • E-books or Whitepapers: If you offer downloadable resources, testimonials can help establish your authority and expertise in the topic.
  • Online Directories and Listings: If you’re listed on professional directories or platforms, make use of the testimonial features they offer.
  • Proposal Documents: Include a few select testimonials in your client proposals to show potential clients the value you’ve brought to others.
  • Video Testimonials: If you have the opportunity, gather video testimonials and feature them on your website, social media, or video-sharing platforms like YouTube.
  • Webinars and Online Courses: Share testimonials from previous attendees or participants to encourage new sign-ups for your webinars or courses.

Hands stacked on top of each other to illustrate a simple testimonial template to make collecting and sharing easy.

Remember that authenticity is key. Use real, verifiable testimonials from actual clients to build trust. Whenever possible, use full names, locations, or other details to make the testimonials more credible. Always seek permission from clients before using their testimonials and respect their privacy preferences. By strategically incorporating testimonials across various touchpoints, you can enhance your reputation, attract new clients, and stand out in a competitive market.

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