Q2 2024 Marketing Planning Workshop

For small business owners and leaders

Tuesday, March 19

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. CST

Wednesday, March 20

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. CST
Burnsville, Arise Nicolette Meeting Room

OPTIONAL - Co-Working to continue to develop your plan and work on content creation from 12-4 p.m. CST

MAX: We are holding these workshops to 5 small businesses each - so register fast to get your spot!a

Strategic, Thoughtful Marketing Plans

Without thinking, Sarah blurted out “I did not get into this business because I’m good at marketing. Marketing is a necessary evil that goes along with owning a business.”

So many small business owners feel this way. 

The thing you love about owning/leading a business isn’t marketing. 

But, you need marketing in order to sell the thing you love.

Group of business people discussing financial plan at the table in an office

This is where we come in...

 We know that marketing can sometimes feel like a burden. We also know that traditional marketing agencies tend to oversell what you need to do in order to be successful. You don’t have to look far to see ten different approaches that claim to be the best. It’s overwhelming and impossible to know the right thing to do.

We want to make it as simple as possible for you.

Before you can execute good marketing, you need a plan. Without a plan, it’s all just random acts of marketing that won’t have the same power as a strategic, thoughtful approach.

Our Marketing Planning Workshops are down-and-dirty working sessions that give you a smart, easy-to-execute marketing plan for the next quarter. 

We'll spend three hours of focused time planning your next quarter. Led by our CEO, Casey Fuerst, you'll get qualified advice, smart ideas, and above-and-beyond support!

Guided GOAL SETTING for your products and services

Realistic AUDIENCE Indentification and Nurturing

Mapping Your TACTICS so that You Can Make the Sale


  1. Register and pay using the link below. 
  2. Watch your email for location and agenda details.
  3. Come ready to learn, plan, and launch your best quarter yet!

COST: $249 per person.

The Burnsville, March 22, workshop has an afternoon co-working afternoon add-on option for $99.


Guided marketing planning from an expert!

All materials and planning templates.

Guided facilitation of learning content by Casey Fuerst. Feedback, support, and advice during the workshop.

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Casey Fuerst

For 20+ years, Casey has worked with small businesses and nonprofits to give them the messaging, strategic marketing plans and collateral materials to support their work.

Casey is a certified StoryBrand Guide (since 2018) and uses this framework to create marketing messaging, plans and collateral to increase impact and grow business. She is also certified in the Buyer Persona framework and is published in several national publications as a marketing expert to small businesses.

Casey owns Tic Tac Toe Marketing.


A 3-month Sample Marketing Plan

You'll receive an email shortly with your free download.

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