DIY Content Creation Workshops
For small business owners and leaders
MAX: We are holding these workshops to 4 small businesses each - so register fast to get your spot!
Focused, Guided Time to Create Your Marketing Content for the Next Month
You know you need to be putting out consistent marketing content, but finding the time and motivation to do it is a challenge.
So many small business owners feel this way.
These 4-hour workshops are for you!
Casey will provide the prompts and some guidance, and then you will go to work writing and crafting. It's your time to focus on content creation!
We recommend you work on writing and designing for blogs, emails, and/or social posts, but you can use this time to create whatever is pressing for you!

Body-Doubling is a trick that we use to help us get things done. We all know that we work better when we have a partner by our side. It's why we love to clean our friend's closets (with them, of course) but not our own. And, we do better when we have an accountability partner to keep us on track for workouts.
The same applies to our content creation. By working with a small group of select participants online, you can create your marketing content for the next month more efficiently, creatively and fun-ly (I know - not a word, but it should be.)
Sign up for our next DIY Content Creation workshop. We are offering two dates, 4 people max per date. All events are on zoom.
- Register using the link below.
- Watch your email for an invoice to pay and your zoom link
- Come ready to learn, share, and create your amazing content!
COST: $169 per person.
- Guidance from Casey Fuerst, CEO of Tic Tac Toe Marketing
- Community - to provide feedback and encouragement
- Basic tools to help you get started and create powerful content

Casey Fuerst
For 20+ years, Casey has worked with small businesses and nonprofits to give them the messaging, strategic marketing plans and collateral materials to support their work.
Casey is a certified StoryBrand Guide (since 2018) and uses this framework to create marketing messaging, plans and collateral to increase impact and grow business. She is also certified in the Buyer Persona framework and is published in several national publications as a marketing expert to small businesses.
Casey owns Tic Tac Toe Marketing.